AutoGuard: A Secure Implementation of the Conditional Branch Instruction [IEEE Link] [PDF] [PoC in Paper]
AsianHOST 2024 (Best Paper)Zeru Lan, Chunlu Wang, Pengfei Qiu, Yu Jin, Yihao Yang, Dongsheng Wang and Gang Qu -
Whisper: Timing the Transient Execution to Leak Secrets and Break KASLR [ACM Link] [PDF] [PoC]
DAC 2024, ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, (Oral, CCF-A)Yu Jin, Chunlu Wang, Pengfei Qiu, Chang Liu, Yihao Yang, Hongpei Zheng, Yongqiang Lyu, Xiaoyong Li, Gang Qu and Dongsheng Wang -
Uncovering and Exploiting AMD Speculative Memory Access Predictors for Fun and Profit [IEEE Link] [PDF] [PoC]
HPCA 2024 (Oral, CCF-A)Chang Liu, Dongsheng Wang, Yongqiang Lyu, Pengfei Qiu, Yu Jin, Zhuoyuan Lu, Yinqian Zhang, Gang Qu
Overtake: Achieving Meltdown-type Attacks with One Instruction [IEEE Link] [PDF] [PoC]
AsianHOST 2023 (Oral, AR: 33.0%)Yu Jin, Pengfei Qiu, Chunlu Wang, Yihao Yang, Dongsheng Wang, Xiaoyong Li, Qian Wang, Gang Qu
Exploration and Exploitation of Hidden PMU Events [IEEE Link] [PDF] [Partial Code]
ICCAD 2023 (Oral, CCF-B)Yihao Yang, Pengfei Qiu, Chunlu Wang, Yu Jin, Qiang Gao, Xiaoyong Li, Dongsheng Wang, Gang Qu
- 2023/10-present: ysyx Project,
Building a RISC-V chip from scratch with the assistance of differential test,
Emulator, Chips Design
Microarchitecture of RV32IM 6 Stage OoO Core with I&D$, BPU, and SoC
- 2022/09-present: Stu in BUPT, Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Service, Ministry of Education, Sys, Microarchitecture Security
- 2021/12-2023/03: R&D in Megvii Research, Face Group, ML, Human in the Loop Annotation
- 2021/07-2021/09: Dev in Alibaba Group, CTO Line-Business Platform Bussiness Unit, Dev, Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS Frontend)
- 2022/07-Present: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, CS, M.Sc.
- 2018/09-2022/06: Wuhan University of Technology, SE, B.E., GPA: 4.016/5 (100->5, 90->4, 80->3)
Teaching Assistant
- 2023-Spring: Digital Logic and Digital System (数字逻辑与数字系统), BUPT
- 2023-Fall: , Computer Composition and System Structure (计算机组成与系统结构), BUPT